resources + Practices
recommended reading
Self Mastery
Star Lineages
Shamanic & indigenous

Sound Healing
Tom Kenyon

honeyed ways

“The Art of Contemplation is always a journey of unravelling in which the layers of the great mystery are progressively revealed within your heart.”
— the 64 ways, Richard rudd

Energy Cultivation
Calling The Jaguar Down From The Tree (Decoupling)
by Alberto Villoldo
Antidote for Anxiety (Decoupling) by Richard Rudd
The Heaven on Earth Prayer Collective by Kaia Ra
Self Mastery cultivation

Flowers & oils
Flower Essences
Healing oils

Pre & Post Session
Fire/Candle Ceremony
Salt Baths
Chakra Temple Water Blessings
Sand Painting/Mandala
Ancestor Altar
Destiny Altar
Inner Child Altar
Higher Self Altar
Abundance Altar
Journey Altar
Soul Retrieval or Destiny Retrieval Dialogues & Journaling
Dreaming Intensions
Soul Part Journeying